Instructions for use Traugel

how to apply Traugel gel

Traugel is a native biocream, a natural biocomplex reinforced with microspheres of bioactive components. It acts specifically on the cartilage and connective tissue of the joints, adjacent muscles and blood vessels. The components of the gel reach the damaged joint tissues surprisingly quickly and have a healing effect 10 times stronger than any medicine. The components of Biocream dissolve completely in the cellular fluids, due to which the affected areas are reached faster, they embed themselves in the biomatrix of the joint and regenerate them. Instructions on how to use, how the treatment and prevention of joints with the gel is carried out below in the article.

Indications for prescribing Traugel

Traugel is a natural OTC product. It can be bought without a prescription. The drug is safe and is used to treat joint problems. Indicated for the following reasons:

  1. People over 35 years of age who begin to feel the first symptoms of pain and discomfort in the joint area
  2. The cream will be a relevant and indispensable assistant for women during menopause.
  3. The joints of the lower extremities in overweight people experience increased stress and require additional protection.
  4. This is good support for athletes who often have cartilage and joint problems.
  5. HondroFrost is an excellent option for infectious lesions that cause inflammation in the tissues.
  6. To recover from injuries.

Contraindications to the use of Traugel

Traugel clinical and laboratory studies conducted in Italy proved that the cream is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. Thousands of users from the country noted that no side effects were noted during the entire period of use. All this confirms the high quality of the product. The only limitation is individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.

How does the gel work?

  1. Instant pain relief!
  2. It improves the elasticity of blood vessels and provides nutrients to the joints.
  3. Prevents pain caused by neurotic, inflammatory and stress factors in the joints and spine.
  4. Increases the population of young, healthy chondrocytes from cartilage to joint tissue.
  5. Protects cartilage from thinning.
  6. Eliminate the infection.
  7. Eliminates spasms of the calf muscles.
  8. Prevents stagnant processes and swelling of the joints.

How to use the gel

It is recommended to use the gel twice a day. Rub a small amount on the affected joint area. The course of treatment is from 30 to 60 days, depending on the degree of destruction of the joint.